Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We are having a baby!

October 26, 2010 was the day that changed our lives forever. Clear as day, the stick I held in front of me said "pregnant." We couldn't be happier. It has been quite the adventure since then.

November 19- A sound that will never leave my memory. A good strong hearbeat of 142 beats per minute. So far, so good.

December 29- Looks like a baby! Moving all around on the flat screen tv in the tiny ultrasound room at NWH. We got to watch the lil one kick and wave for about half an hour. Results were perfect, no chance of neural tube defects (spina bifida...etc)

February 9- All organs functioning properly, all fluids looking good, baby is sucking his/her thumb. We make the final decision that we are NOT finding out what the baby's sex is. Everything is measuring perfectly and the results are "unremarkable." I suppose that brings us up to date with baby...

Now what have we been up to?

The pregnancy has been great... no morning sickness, no food aversions. My one craving is cranberry juice. I was on a spongebob square pants macaroni and cheese kick for a while, but thankfully it passed.

We were very excited to share the great news with all our friends and family during the Christmas parties we attended. What a great holiday season! We have some pricelss great grandparent pictures that will make it into the baby book so Baby P will know how excited everyone is for his/her arrival

Andy and I have slowly started preparing for Baby P's arrival. We bought a crib last week and re-arranged our bedroom and the nursery this past weekend. We are in deep cleaning mode!

I had my 20 week appointment and have gained just about 20 pounds. YIKES. I suppose thats part of growing a human inside of you. Little things make me a little more emotional lately. Don't even get me started on the humane society commercials with all the animals that need homes.

Right around the 19 week mark I started feeling small kicks, like nothing I ever felt in my life! At about 21 weeks, Andy felt the baby move for the first time (if you ask him, they high fived!). And just today we saw the baby moving from the outside.

Overall, the past 23 weeks have been the best weeks of my life. I am so excited to be on this journey with my amazing husband. I never would have guessed when I first met him that 10 years later we would be happily married expecting our first child.

I will try to keep everyone posted about the progress... looking forward to July 7 (or before??)

Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. I don't get mentioned until the halfway mark. Just like my wedding album.
